Pain points; mentorship & community; and passion as your guiding light

Where women in ecommerce come to get their key insights, tips and tactics

Hi! I’m Doone, your hype girl in business. This is your weekly source of inspiration & information on all things in the female e-commerce and CPG space, read by like-minded Entrepreneurs like you. If you find value in this content please like & share above, or take 60 seconds to fill out our anonymous survey at the end of this email.

We are still very much enjoying the after-glow of our rebrand last week and would love to hear what you think (just hit reply on this email!)

BTW, you asked for it… And we listened:

FSC is launching our paid network specifically for e-commerce entrepreneurs. Think: Mentorship from the women on the show, with a twist; build your network with women who are on the same journey as you through business and accountability coaching; access to industry experts from the likes of Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram; and conversations with buyers from retailers like Target, Wholefoods, Sephora… Plus bulk resources relevant to all things DTC, ecomm and CPG.

It’ll be the #1 place on the internet for women who are building their ecommerce brands. (Fact!)

So… You interested? Join our waitlist and be the first to know when we open up spots for our Founding Members. PS: Founding Members will stay at the same price forever, and you’ll be part of shaping the culture and vibe of the group :)

Three 🔑 Insights From This Week’s Episodes on the Female Startup Club Podcast

Directly from the women building the world’s most exciting businesses in the e-commerce and CPG space

1. Solve Pain Points 💥

EP167: In chatting to Sophie Bakalar about her DTC pet product innovation studio, it really hit home to me how closely business success is related to the solving of pain points. And that when this is achieved, everybody wins. So: How can you position your company as a potential solution? How can you make someone’s life easier? Whose day can you make today?

“If we can make pets' lives easier and humans' lives easier through product design, that’s a great reason to wake up every morning.”

Julissa Prado also summed it up pretty perfectly in Saturday’s episode:

“You don’t just create a business. You create a solution to a problem.”

2. Let Passion Be Your Guiding Light 🌟

It’s funny where life takes you. You never really know where you’re going to be in 10 years. But if you follow your passion and chip away at your goals every-single-day, something amazing will always happen.

EP168: This attitude was a real thread through my conversation with the incredible Angela Kim this week. The concert-pianist-turned-beauty-entrepreneur champions following your passions as the absolute way to nourish both your inner and outer radiance.

We know… It’s not as easy as it sounds 🤔

“A lot of women, they go through that. I know I’m meant to do something else, or they want to start a business. It’s hard. It’s scary. When your identity is one thing for a really long time but you want to do something else.”

But it’s also far from impossible ✨

“Dedicate yourself to it just a little bit every day. Eventually, it will become so big that the leap is not as scary. It just becomes the next step that you take.”

There’s the 🔑: Take little baby steps. Aim for that 1% daily. You don’t have to commit 100%. Why not start by taking that one little baby step today?

3. Foster Your Culture & Community 🤗

EP169: Rizos’s Curls was Founded by Julissa Prado on the principles of Curls, Community and Culture. When you hear her founding story, you FEEL that.

Last week I mentioned that it takes a village to raise a business, and this chat makes me want to hone in on that notion a little bit more. Being an entrepreneur can be notoriously lonely. Let’s not kid ourselves, there are a lot of challenges.

“You will never have all the answers, but you can reach out to the resources around you and to your community for guidance, and they will help propel you forward.”

Consider your community every step of the way. From initial inspiration, to fixing the blunders, or celebrating the highs, it’s all better shared.

The brands who typically perform the best are those that really know and understand their customers. For Julissa, she feels so immersed with her customers because when she sees them she sees her cousins, her tias, her parents, and herself.

Dusting Off The Catalog: Haircare 🌺

Getting into haircare? Interested in the know-how of the industry? Check out our content from this space:

  • EP168: (Rizos Curls, Julissa Prado)

  • EP130: (Susteau, Kailey Rae)

  • EP119: (CurlMix, Kimberly Lewis)

  • EP87: (BREAD Beauty, Maeva Heim)

  • EP84: (Dianna Cohen, Crown Affair)

What’s on this week? 👀

Let’s see what we have in store for you this week…

TUES: Jing Gao from ‘Fly by Jing’ - The delicious Sichuan Chilli Sauce 🌶️

THURS: Ali Kriegsman from ‘Bulletin’ - The Premium Wholesale Platform 💫

SAT: Krystal Duhaney from ‘Milky Mama’ - Lactation Supplements & Breastfeeding Support 👶

Click here to tune in! 🎧

What to Read, What to Listen to 🤔

📚 Eat a Peach, David Chang & Gabe Ulla. A New York Times Bestseller and intimate account of the making of a chef and how he discovered that success can be much harder to understand than failure.

🎧 How I Built This, by Guy Raz. By far the most recommended podcast on the show. A fascinating deep dive into the stories behind some of the world’s best-known companies.

Job Alert Time! 💼

Check out these cool job listings on our radar:


  • We are looking for some fun folks to join us at the Female Startup Club. Get in touch if you’ve (or someone you know!) has experience in TikTok, Copywriting, or Virtual Assistance ✨


  • OnLoan, the fashion rental membership platform, is looking for a Community Manager who is outgoing, organized, and particularly excited about growing their tribe of “Loaners” (their amazing customers). Apply here.


  • Susteau, the future proof haircare brand formerly known as OWA Haircare, has a bunch of super exciting internship opportunities available this summer. Check them out and apply here.

Hey, from the Founder 👋

It's Doone here, host of the top ranking Female Startup Club podcast and your hype girl.

If you loved this newsletter, think about sharing it with a woman in your life who would benefit from tuning in. And if you’re not yet listening to the show… Listen and subscribe here.

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