🤫 Whisper Ideas, 100x$10K Grants & Monthly Love Letters

Hi! It's your BFF in biz exploring women’s experiences in entrepreneurship, venture capital, personal finance, wealth & motherhood.

Hey! It’s Doone, your hype girl in biz… Today we’re covering 👇

  • ✨ Leaving Whisper Ideas in the past

  • ✨ Templates to launch your biz

  • ✨ Monthly love letters (to yourself 💕)

  • ✨ Verizon is granting 100 founders $10,000

  • ✨ Molly Baz back at Times Square & more

What’s a Whisper Idea?!

You know those fleeting moments when a new idea pops into your head? The kind that feels so fresh, so brilliant, and so of-the-moment that you’re almost scared to say it out loud? We call those "whisper ideas." The ones you keep close to your chest because you know they’re easy to copy. And, let’s be real, if someone else got wind of it, they could run with it and bring it to life before you even finish your first draft.

But here’s the kicker: Whisper ideas can be fragile, here-one-minute-gone-the-next kind of businesses. They’re often based on trends, the latest hype, or what’s cool right now. And while those ideas can be fun, sometimes they’re too easy to replicate. They’re not built to last, because the magic isn’t in the idea itself - it’s in who brings it to life.

So let’s talk about finding your idea. The one that’s so uniquely you that you don’t have to whisper it. Heck, you can shout about it from the rooftops because nobody else can do it the way you’re going to do it. It’s not about being the first or the loudest; it’s about bringing something to the world that carries your unique magic. The kind of magic that someone else can try to copy, but they’ll never truly capture.

The businesses that stand the test of time aren’t built on whispers.

So the next time you get a spark of an idea, ask yourself—“Is this something that I can bring my magic to?” If the answer is yes, then don’t keep it to yourself. Shout about it, share it, make it yours in a way that no one else can touch. Because when it comes down to it, the world doesn’t need more carbon copies. It needs you and what only you can create.

What’s the idea that you can truly shout about?

9 Free Templates to Launch Your Biz in 30 Days 

Starting a business can feel like juggling a thousand things at once, with 10,000 unanswered questions keeping you up at night. Where do I even begin? How do I plan for the unexpected? What if I miss a crucial step? The to-do list never ends and launching feels like getting lost in a maze without a map. BUT, what if you had that map? 

That’s where HubSpot’s Business Startup Kit comes in - a ✨free✨ resource designed to take all of that guesswork out of launching. 

So, what’s inside? 

  • Business Plan Template (to help structure your ideas down to the hour) 

  • Startup Cost Calculator (the Marie Kondo-ing of your finances)

  • Pitch Deck Template (craft your compelling 10-slide investor presentation)

  • Marketing Plan Template (a 12-month strategy to attract your first 1,000 customers)

  • Tech Stack Checklist (the actual tools you need from 50+ essential categories)

  • Plus! 4 more templates covering feasibility studies, business naming, and market analysis (all the good stuff) 

Starting a business is challenging enough - don’t make it harder by trying to figure it all out on your own <3 

Gold Tweets This Week 💗

1/ No one makes 100% of the shots they take:

Success actually has nothing to do with not failing, it’s about refusing to stop trying. The more you put yourself out there, the more you grow. It’s a numbers game.

2/ Start writing monthly love letters (to yourself 💕):

I’m always down for more refreshing ways to approach self-care and goal-setting. Instead of just crossing tasks off a list, why don’t we celebrate our wins? Acknowledge our growth? And set intentions with a little more love and intention? It’s a beautiful reminder to really reflect on our journeys - life is not a box-ticking exercise.

Extra Stuff to Check Out 👀

💸 Verizon Digital Ready x LISC are back awarding 100 x $10,000 grants to small business owners based in the US looking to level up | apply here!

🩷 London-based founders! If you don’t have a good headshot at the ready you need one and it doesn’t need to be spenny or scary | obsessed with this 

Female-founded ✨remote jobs✨ 

Secure a paying gig that supports your financial needs and allows you to invest in your biz from a place of ✨abundance✨ rather than scarcity —right here—👇



  • Beauty brand Lalais is looking for an NYC-based Freelance Beauty Social Media Manager & Content Creator to join the team | apply directly here.

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