Looking for clarity & creativity? ✨

This one is for the overwhelmed, early stage founder or future founder...

Hey, it’s Doone - your hype girl in business. Is it just me or have we reached that wtf point in the year where you’re suddenly thinking… waaaaait, WHAT MONTH IS IT ALREADY (and like howwww are we mid day through)??

But I digress. Today I’m dropping into your inbox to share this report with you, incase you’ve ever thought about monetising your skills and creating a course. And could use a little nudge in the right direction.

You might have seen that earlier this year I started using ✨ Thinkific ✨ to host my courses online (or the Canada trip in January where I spoke at their event in the sparkly dress!).

But first let me rewind a bit… The idea of creating a suit of digital products and resources for Female Startup Club has been noodling away in the back of my mind ever since we started. And this year was finally the year to get the ball rolling and bring the vision to life!

I’ve been wanting to find a way to distill almost 15 years of experience into much needed resources for earlystage founders and future founders for so long, but as you probably know - life - gets in the way sometimes and let’s be honest: the tech stack side of things, can be a bit of a blocker.

Then Thinkific came on my radar.

The beauty of this platform lies in its simplicity: templates that are as intuitive as they are aesthetically pleasing (you know I’m a sucker for a cute design) and a drag-and-drop editor that’s super easy to navigate.

No coding headaches, no tech-induced stress - just a pure, undiluted focus on what matters most: the content. Thinkific helped me find a way to start bringing this vision I’d had for years to life, without sacrificing the essence of my message (or my sanity).

If you’ve ever been curious to teach your skills and build a course, this is the easiest way to do it. I’ve been blown away by the genuine support from the Thinkific team. This isn’t just a tool; it's a partnership, transforming what could be a lonely confusing headache of into a full-on shared adventure 🩷

And they just topped things off with another gem: Thinkific recently released their ✨ 2024 Online Learning Trends Report , offering insights and predictions from over 2,500 creators. You can dive into five databacked trends that will help you make more impact - and more money - in online learning.

If you’re curious about what the report holds, have a peek inside and drop back into my inbox with any gems you pick up. I’d love to hear from you!

With gratitude,
Doone (Your Hype Girl!) x


or to participate.