2 Sleeps; How Modern Mentorship Will Work & My Two Cents (Hype Club mini series part 2/3)

Where women in ecommerce come to get their key insights, tips and tactics

Hello 😍 it’s Doone here! Your host and hype girl. In the lead up to Female Startup Club’s launch of Hype Club on Monday July 12th we’re taking this time to recap on what it is & who it’s for in a 3-part mini series. Today I’m covering how I approached Modern Mentorship and what that actually looks like;


✨  How I approach mentorship

✨  Introducing Kailey and how she might be able to help you

*We are launching with 50 Founding Member spots only at a heavily discounted rate. If you nab a Founding Member spot your rate will remain the same forever 🚀

*You must be actively building a CPG / DTC / E-commerce brand to join the Hype Club

Happy Saturday to my FSC community! 

I'm writing this email while I finish off our Hype Club launch page and get myself organised for Monday :) yahoo. Can you tell I am so excited?!

Yesterday I told you a bit about what the club is all about and who it's for and today I want to introduce you to our first Modern Mentor, Kailey Bradt

But first let's talk a little bit about mentorship, and how we're approaching it. 

When you think about Mentorship, there's 2 key pathways that come to mind;

1. Over time you build a relationship with someone who's a few steps (or a lot of steps) ahead of you to a point where you feel like you can ask them to be a mentor to you and give you ongoing guidance. This can be paid or unpaid. The issue here is that it can take a lot of time and you probably won't get a yes from the person you'd dream to have mentorship from. 

Or 2. you go out and look for someone who is a Coach/Mentor as their profession and you hire them to work with you on building your business. The problem here is they may have never built a business in the same industry as you, it can be super expensive, you might need to go through trial and error to find the right person you jam with and it's probably not the role model you've been following on your journey. 

And with that in mind I really wanted to find a new way to approach mentorship.

Especially one that's actually affordable*. By having a subscription to something like Hype Club it's always guaranteed to be a lot less than what it would be if you hired someone individually. (And you might still want that / need that). But in Hype Club, the charm is that you'll start connecting with the women from the show to learn from them at scale and have the brain power of more people. 

The women who we feature on the show are the women that we all admire and we're looking to for specific advice about the things we're doing now, that they've already been through. These entrepreneurs have a lot going on and perhaps don't have the time to offer an individual mentorship relationship - but what they can do is share more of their insights and guidance to a group of women in a mastermind style setup. It's a limited time commitment for them with maximum impact for you.  

When I look at the paid communities that I'm part of, the best ones that I get a lot out of are where you can have access to people who are ahead of you to simply be able to post a question and ask them their opinion, or for their two cents on a certain topic or challenge you're currently facing. Sometimes it's actually better not having to jump on Zoom's and rather just get an answer to a post you've made. 

And that's how we're approaching Modern Mentorship in the Hype Club, at scale. Having these brilliant minds come in and give their brain power to a group of ambitious women ready to take on feedback and put things into action. 

But let's get back to Kailey... 

A few months ago Kailey came on the show to talk about her brand Susteau & the world-first (!!!) powder shampoo that she invented (literally by herself). She's been on quite the adventure since having gone through Sephora's Accelerate program last year, won some epic beauty awards and most recently expanded into the UK (super yay for me, her brand Susteau is now stocked at Cult Beauty.) 

Btw, if you didn't catch the episode, I highly recommend tuning into it here before she joins the group so you know more about her brand and experience so far. 

The week she's scheduled to join us she'll post her AMA (Ask Me Anything) thread in the group and this is where you should take some time to consider how Kailey might be able to provide you with some advice, direction and learnings that you can implement into your own business - and add your questions to the thread to be covered in the live session. 

Kailey's excited to chat about; 

  • Early stage brand development (especially as she rebranded and changed names)

  • What to consider during the process of product development 

  • How to market in an entirely new category 

  • Building a sustainable brand and what that actually means &

  • How to position and differentiate yourself from your competitors 

Towards the end of the week we'll kick off our live Q&A session to start working through the questions, and if you're on the call you'll be able to add your follow up questions to find more info and dig deeper. If you can't make it, don't worry we'll still go through the questions from the AMA thread and it'll be recorded and added to our library for you to watch back in your own time. 

The week that she's scheduled as a Modern Mentor she'll also be looking through posts and adding her brain power where possible, so we will always encourage you to post your business questions, current challenges to the forum so mentors can chime in where they see fit.

As you know, this will be our first Modern Mentor ✨ in the program so we can't promise everything will be perfect and we'll be figuring things out as we go, but we can promise that we'll be fine tuning and taking on feedback and suggestions to keep making the program as good as it can be. 

That's my two cents on Modern Mentorship for today, and given that this has been another lengthy email (I'm realising I actually have a lot to say these days lol) tomorrow I'll get stuck into some of the logistics we need to cover around how the first few weeks will be playing out. 

Have the best weekend, and remember that if you have any questions please do hit that reply button and slide into my inbox :) 

Doone, your hype girl x


or to participate.